
Why this blog exists?

Welcome to this place.
It is the place of the Tale of the last Bananawhale.

You maybe think: wtf?


Long time ago the oceans were filled with them, but mad monkeys hunted them down to the last and now there is still only one left who is seeking the truth about his existence. Therefore he has to search the world with open eyes ...

... that's what we are doing in here, searching a world for its beauty. With eyes and soul wide open to find inspiration, muse or whatever. There won't be much words from me - just photos I took and like.
So I hope you like them too!

Enjoy your stay and while you are away:
always keep your eyes open for the bananawhales!

1 comment:

  1. I will light a candle in prayer for the last existing bananawhales. Too often bananaboats catch them and perform the dreaded banana split...
